Let’s Get Thinking Right





 Welcome to . . .

my wonderful corner of the world-wide web. I’m Deb Engelhart , mom, grandma, avid hiker, successful entrepreneur, author and change agent! This website is devoted to sharing my journey from the life that was “supposed” to make me happy to the life that truly does. My journey started with tragedy, bankruptcy, five-figure debt and deep unhappiness. I’m now healthy, happy, financially free and living my dream life. If I can do it, you can do it.
I’m here to help you. Your journey starts now.

Let’s Get Thinking Right

What do I mean by “thinking right”? I mean right thinking! I mean the kind of thinking that comes from developing, practicing, and living from a positive mindset. And no, I don’t mean some “woo woo” practice that will drive you out of your mind, I mean a mindset that is a joy and is also your secret weapon to achieving whatever you dream of achieving.

Let’s Get Moving Right

What do I mean by “moving right”? Well, most people think they have to carve out a big chunk of their day, put on special clothes, and drive to a gym to have an effective exercise routine—but that’s not true. The level and type of exercise you choose must work for your lifestyle. That’s moving right.

Let’s Get Eating Right

What do I mean by “eating right”? I mean find out what works for you because eating right is not a one-size-fits-all plan. It’s easy to eat right when you learn what’s right for you, and there are specific ways to figure this out. Once you’ve learned how you should be eating and begin eating right, you’ll reap untold benefits in all areas of your health. I know I did!

Let’s Get Financially Free

Financial freedom is a big dream isn’t it? Trust me, I know because I’ve lived it. I went from living month-to-month (with $50,000 in debt) to debt free with excess income in just three short years. And no, I didn’t do this with a financial plan, I did it with something entirely different.

Let’s Get Living Life

You have hopes and dreams. You want to be something or somebody. Then things get in the way. Your environment influences you, and people try to fit you into their molds. And before you know it, you’ve lost your way and ended up heading straight for someone else’s life. It took a crisis to put me back on the path to living my life but you don’t need to have a crisis as your catalyst.

Your feedback is important to me.

I am convinced Deb Engelhart has a heart and soul that runs deep like the ocean and high as the mountains she climbed.

Deb Engelhart is a lover of life, network marketing, hiking, and most of all her beloved family.
Debbie has a deep background in network marketing and is a top earner in the industry. She brings her passion and joy to team building using her positive attitude to teach, motivate and inspire others to reach their full potential. Debbie is known for her enthusiasm, never-give-up attitude, and winning mindset.

The First Mile Is the Hardest made me laugh. It made me cry. It touched my heart and lifted my soul. I started the first chapter with a cloud over my head and finished with the sun on my face. This book is filled with light and insight, sure to inspire you on your journey to and through success in life.